Thursday, 20 October 2016

Reve de Paris

That means Dreams of Paris, you nincompoops!  And yes, I used to have a beard! Made with Image Composite Editor while I stayed at Stendhal, jan 2016

the penultimate Truth

these taken on way to the Flower Market - only flower here seems to be me ;)
wish I could remember the name of the dude on the right - MJ was in the middle - we sang dylan's

The beginning of the end?

Oh god I#ve succumbed to narciccism.... its the spirit of the age, the zeitgeist, i suppose.  Actually, I wanted to make some record of my outfits, because I feel i do so few things right, my dress-sense is one of the only things I'm proud of (except my legs & my alleged bravery).

Apparently L___ thinks I look like a fashion designer in this get up - just realised I didn't get the rainbow socks in - might have to add one... PS also going to email dougie "glasweegee" wallace for a copy of the pic he got of me the other day at Colombia rd flower market